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Zen in the Martial Arts, by Joe Hyams

"Zen in the Martial Arts", by Joe Hyams

In its field this book: "Zen in the Martial Arts" by Joe Hyams is regarded as a classic - and quite rightfully so. If you wish to be considered a true budoka (someone doing budo) or a true martial artist, then this book is something that you definitely should find time to read.

Zen (zen-budhism) is an integral part of most of the Japanese combative arts (the older ryu or schools are based on shinto). To many people (yours truly included), zen is very hard to comprehend. Having a Western, analytical and pragmatical mind doesn't make it any easier! Well, at least here is a book that makes it much easier to begin to grasp the concept in a practical manner.

Hyams talks about the importance of understanding some of the non-physical (non-fighting) sides to the martial arts. He reasons (and I agree) that martial arts in its ultimate form is so much more than a test of strength or a fight between two opponents.

Through several short stories or tales the author sheds light on various sides to the arts, martial arts training, and everyday life. He reflects upon alternative ways of looking at things, different ways to attack a problem, and various ways to think and act - all infuenced by practical zen. Amongst other things Hyams refer to another milestone of martial arts litterature: "Karate-Do, My Way of Life", by Funakoshi.

What makes this a great book and a practical book, is that the different stories are easy to relate to on a personal level. These are everyday problems and challenges presented in a martial arts format - stuff that we all have to wrestle with from time to time. Like I said, it is practical, being very far from "religious" or mysterious in its form. These are ways of thinking and acting that will enable you to become more balanced and "complete", both as a martial artist as well as a human being.

If you need perspectives on martial arts beyond the fighting, punching, kicking and grappling parts (however fun that may be), this is a book that should fit right in on the top of your list. Simply put, this book is a true gem!

Before anything else you should try to obtain this book from: Abebooks. This is where I personally start my own Net used book searches. Abebooks are a huge collaboration of small and independent booksellers all over the globe.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Authors:

Joe Hyams

bullet Published:

USA, Cal., 1981

bullet By:

Learning Concepts/University Associates, Inc.

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