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The Art of Fighting Without Fighting, by Geoff Thompson

"The art of fighting without fighting", a book by Geoff Thompson

Few people deserve the expression "been there, done that and bought the T-shirt" more than Geoff Thompson. He most probably bought them all... Thompson is known through bestselling books like "The Bouncer", "Dead or Alive" and "Watch My Back", in which he describes the oftentimes gruesome reality as a tough bouncer working for many years in some of the most violent bars, pubs and night-spots in England.

Being "older" and wiser he has obviously done some "soul-searching" and has come to other conclusions than in his early days, armed with the hard-hitting tough-guy attitude. With this book, as well as the splendid "The Fence", he offers other solutions to the brutal, and often pointless, physical violence. Coming from a dreaded bouncer and fighter like Geoff Thompson, I honestly feel that we all should listen up closely.

The overall aim of the book is to discuss and show various practical (as in functional) ways to avoid, de-escalate, deflect, defuse, confront and solve threatening situations - before they escalate into physical violence.

This book comes highly recommended to anyone working with aggressive people, conflict management or self-defense in any shape or form. As always, do a search on Abebooks if you don't find it on Amazon (links in the left column).

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Geoff Thompson

bullet Published:

UK, 1998

bullet By:

Summersdale Publishers

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