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Staying Safe, av Asley Croft og Pat McAuliffe

"Staying Safe: The complete guide to personal safety for women" by Croft and McAuliffe

This book: "Staying Safe: The complete illustrated guide to personal protection for women" by Croft and McAuliffe is printed in England in 1996.

As a matter of fact, I'm pleased to say that this is a very good book on the subject. Of course there's always a possibility to discuss the actual self-defense techniques being chosen in a book, but this is more a matter of personal taste and preferences. As long as they're few and simple, I'm happy.

There are several things that makes this a good book. First of all it's built up very logical in easy to follow chapters. Then you have a true wealth of information about prevention, the victim-syndrome, how to deal with various situations, strategies when you're travelling, being prepared and lots of other interesting and useful issues.

This book is one that I'm ready to recommend at any time! And staying true to traditions, I'd like to recommend you do a search on Abebooks. You may also use the link to Amazon (in the left hand column). E-bay is always an option... I get many of my books here. With a little patience and searching you can get hold of anything (and I do mean anything) by hanging out on E-bay and Abebooks!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Authors:

Ashley Croft and Pat McAuliffe

bullet Published:

Amersham, UK 1996

bullet By:

Amersham Productions

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