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Martial Arts for Women - a practical guide, by Jennifer Lawler

"martial Arts for Women, a practical guide" by Jennifer Lawler

This book: "Martial Arts for Women - a practical guide", is written by Jennifer Lawler. J. Lawler is also the author to: "Dojo Wisdom" (you can read more about it here). Mrs Lawler has furthermore written "Martial Arts for Dummies".

Lawler is an American writer and taekwondo teacher. The latter is a point of fact that, to a small degree influences this book. Nothing big, mind you, and it really is one of the very few minor negative sides to a great book.

Despite the fact that the book is written by a woman, for women - any man with a sound interests in the martial arts could benefit from reading it. Even to this day, there are men (even teachers) in the arts that have very little or limited knowledge about the female part and the feminine perspective of the martial arts community. This book is a great source of this, which is becoming a huge part of the fighting arts, just like it is in the society at large. To me it is quite obvious: Why shouldn't women claim their share of, and be welcomed to this, at times, male dominated arena?

As indicated by the title, this is a practical guide, and a good one at that I might add. Amongst other things it focuses on the challenges and outright problems that a female student might face in the martial arts - still dominated by male exponents, leaders and teachers.

A few of the issues seems to be based either on lack of knowledge or misunderstandings. I have no reason what so ever to believe that the author wishes to misinform her readers. Apart from this, the book gives a balanced and great picture of the arts as a whole. It gives an "I can do this" perspective of the various challenges a female "warrior" might face. And of course, coming from a woman deeply involved in the arts, it focuses on the gains and benefits you may reap from chosing an art that suites you as well as meet your requirements.

The only low point here is the self-defense techniques being described and shown. My recommendation is to pretend it's not here at all...

You will find a lot of varied and valuable information such as how to handle sparring, training during pregnancy, setting boundaries, getting used to contact, chosing a place to learn your art, gender related differences and so on. I can but recommend this book to any person, female or male, who wishes to learn more about the martial arts.

You may also wish to search for this book by J. Lawler on Abebooks. They have everything and anything in used, rare and out-of-print books.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Jennifer Lawler

bullet Published:

Hartford, CT, USA 1998

bullet By:

Turtle Press

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