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Living the Martial Way, av Forrest E. Morgan

"Living the Martial Way" by Forrets E. Morgan

Forrest E. Morgan is (or perhaps at this time rather, was) an American Air Force Major. In addition to that he holds dan-ranks in taekwondo and ju jitsu (Hakku ryu).

Here he discusses how we can chose to do actions based on ethical and moral considerations. He reflects upon the mindset, values, symbols and ideas that are crucial to the Oriental martial arts. These are things such as honor, courage, loyalty, commitment, justice etc. From here he reasons why they are important to all martial artists and budoka of all ranks in our day and age.

By the use of stories and anecdotes Morgan shows how these age-old principles and warrior ways can be applied by us, today.

This is not a book for the people who wishes to by mystics or who dream about being able to "walk on water" - it is far too practical for that! It goes from the general ideas and over to the spesific steps to take - showing how ideas and attitudes can be brought into actions here and now.

This is a practical and no-nonsense book that I hereby give my recommendations. Again: Abebooks is the place to start searching for any used or out-of-print book (together with Amazon, that is)!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Forrest E. Morgan

bullet Published:

New Jersey 1992

bullet By:

Barricade Books

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