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Koryu Jujutsu - Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan

"Koryu Bujutsu - Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan", edited by Diane Skoss

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Here is a truly great book, written - or rather edited, by Diane Skoss. It has contributions from many leading exponents in the field, such as Hunter B. Armstrong. Armstrong has been the leader of "International Hoplology Society", an organization started by none other than  the legendary Donn F. Draeger. Hoplology are the studies  of human behavior in fight/combat. Skoss has been the editor of the magazine "Aikido Journal" for many years. For a number of years she has studied aikido and koryu bujutsu, also in Japan.

Koryu is commonly translated to "old traditions". The sign for ko means old or older, while the sign for ryu (that really stands for flow or flowings), is used other places to describe schools, traditions, styles or thoughts. Observe that the term ryu isn't something that is used by, or belong to, the martial arts alone. It is used within flower-arranging, tea-ceremonies, calligraphy and other places as well. Also note that the fighting arts from Okinawa are not included in the term koryu bujutsu.

This is the kind of book that should be read and re-read many times over. Anyone with the slightest interest in the original Japanese martial arts and warrior traditions should set aside time for this book! You will be able to find out more about the training in these old ryu - often in great detail, you'll discover how the schools were operated, how the armed and unarmed techniques blended into each other, and a host of other things. It explains the Budhist fundament in many of the old schools, the psychological aspects, tactics and principles (heiho), and much more...

There are plenty of interesting articles to read, interviews with masters, funny observations and stories, explanations of some of the myths connected to these old arts, and not to forget: exceptional photographs. This is a book that you've simply got to have - a true gold mine of knowledge! Naturally you ought to pay a visit to Abebooks in order to look for it!

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Editor:

Diane Skoss

bullet Published:

USA, New Jersey, 1997

bullet By:

Koryu Books

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