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Knives, Knife Fighting, & Related Hassles, by Marc MacYoung

"Knives, Knife Fighting, and Related Hassles - How to Survive a Real Knife Fight" by Marc MacYoung

If you mention the name Marc "Animal" MacYoung, you will probably get one or two distinct reactions. One is that the guy is top notch, really knows his game etc. Or the other side of the coin; that he is a self-centered machismo "tough-guy". Well actually both sides are right, and because of that there are those who take the guy for what he is, and at least listens to what he has to say. Personally I'd filter out some of the style (or maybe lack thereof) and listen closely. I'd reckon it is similar to how you would sit down and take notice when Geoff Thompson talks about the rougher side of violence. It is something about people obviously speaking from first-hand experience; you may not agree to all they say, but it won't hurt a bit to know what they're talking about!

MacYoung has written many books: "Cheap Shots, Ambushes and Other Lessons" (Read more here), and "A Professional's Guide to Ending Violence quickly" (click here to read more about it). In the present book MacYoung brings up the issue of defending against a real-life knife attack, as well as that of using the knife for self-defense. Even if you oppose to the latter (and you can not legally carry a knife in several countries), it will definitely benefit you to know what you're up against. Mind you, not all people are nice, law-abiding citizens (surprise... :)!

This is not a techniqual manual (pictorial) Rather it covers the principles of fighting with and defending against bladed weapons/knives. You will find stances, concealment, drawing the knife etc. As a practical and tactical guide it does indeed have lots going for it. For one (and this is really important) it will show you how extremely dangerous and unpredictable a knife is, and how hard it is to defend against it. Once you have read this (or similar books) you will scrap the old cross-block (and most other blocks as well), for good! Just knowing how a person may go about carrying, utilizing, and concealing a knife could save lives - literally! You will probably have one chance only to get away or finish the fight - you do no "spar" or play around with weapons!

I hereby recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about this terrifying weapon, and who wishes to stay alive confronted with it. Be prepared for the author's macho style, and you will be perfectly ok (you may even find it amusing)! You can get the book from Abebooks, as well as from Amazon (there's a link in the left column).

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Marc MacYoung

bullet Published:

USA, Colorado, 1990

bullet By:

Paladin Press

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