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Fighting Science, by Martina Sprague

Fighting Science, by Martina Sprague

The author of this book: "Fighting Science: The Laws of Physics for Martial Artists", Martina Sprague, has also written "The Science of Takedowns, Throws & Grappling for Self-Defense". She's originally from Sweden, holds black belts in kickboxing and modern freestyle, and she has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, USA.

As for myself I somehow had this feeling that there was something I was missing out back then in the physics classes... If only my old teacher knew something about fighting, and could tell us "losers" about the connections between the laws of physics, body mechanics and martial arts/self-defense. Oh, well, that train has not only left the station, but stopped running all together and even rustet to pieces ages ago... But hey, it's never too late to learn!

So why not use this book for a start? It does look more up my alley than the rather boring stuff we were presented with in school, that's for sure!

Here, Sparague starts off with presenting ten fundamental and strategic fighting concepts to exploit your opponent's waknesses and identify you own strengths. Nothing fancy here.

Then she goes into the mechanical bits and pieces leading the reader through center of gravity, momentum, direction, rotational speed, friction, impulse and impact, power or conservation of energy and finally kinetic energy. In this last chapter she also shows the logic (physics) behind som "impossible" feats.

This is exactly the sort of book that could turn any bored 16-year-old school kid into a raving physics fan! In short it gives you plenty of stuff to work with, and brings exciting new knowledge to your techniques and training. That is whether your into the grappling arts or the punching/kicking arts.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Author:

Martina Sprague

bullet Published:

USA, Mass., 2002

bullet By:

Turtle Press

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