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Common Sense Self-Defense, by Tamura and Shelton

"Common Sense Self-Defense" by Vince Tamura and Gene Shelton

Vince Tamura is a very well known judo instructor and former fighter working out of Texas, USA. Vince as well as his older brother Masato ("Mas") Tamura was without a doubt great fighters, and was/is well known judo personalities. Mas Tamura is the guy that fought a respected wrestler twice his weight (Karl Pojello) - knocking the wrestler unconcious in 80 seconds flat. This legendary fight was the reason that the American army desided to change their views on self-defense/combat.

Still - fighting experience, fighter insticts, legendary status and lots of experience in judo doesn't automatically make a good self-defense book. Unfortunately, this is not a good book. I do see that it command rather high prices on various auction sites. This I take as a sign that it is hard to come by, raher than a signal of any quality content.

I do wonder what the authors mean by the term "common sense". To me it implies avoidance, awareness, planning, prevention, tactics etc. rather than really badly adapted judo? Let's face it - the high point here is the cover - it's great! It also gives new meaning to the saying: "Don't judge a book by the cover".

It is only physical techniques that are being presented here, and dear me what a mess that is! Ok, to be fair, not all is a total disaster. But the kicks... the kicks! I have never, ever seen anything remotely as bad as this. One positive thing though is that they make my kicks look fantastic :-)

As you probably see I have a real hard time understanding why this book was made in the first place. It may have been made to show us how we are being fooled when we do judge a book by the cover? Ok, you judge for yourself. Hop over to Abebooks, but remember - you've been warned.

bullet ISBN nr.:


bullet Forfatter:

Vince Tamura and Gene Shelton

bullet Utgitt:

Los Angeles, 1974

bullet Forlag:

Ohara Publications, Inc.

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